Friday, May 8, 2020

Blast off towards your ideal career... - Hallie Crawford

Blast off towards your ideal career... Are you lost about what you want to do in your career? Are there so many career ideas in your head that you canĂ¢€™t choose just one? Do you feel stuck where you are? Would you like to have a career youre passionate about? Then sign up today for our brand new group coaching program! Its called Identify Your Ideal Career Path, and it covers the exact same 5 step program that we use with our individual clients at a fraction of the cost! In this group you will: Uncover your values and priorities Define what would be most fulfilling for you in a career Explore the 6 things you need to consider in your search for your ideal career path Learn how to combine these and put them into action Discover how to overcome the obstacles that hold you back from defining your ideal career Create and implement a transition plan to land your ideal job The benefits of group coaching? You save money! Plus youll receive support and feedback from 3 different sources your coach, other class members, and your group buddy. Well all be there to help you through your transition. And the best part? You get all this for only $150/month for 6 months less than half of our individual coaching rate! Go here to read more and to sign up for the complimentary introductory call on January 22nd. The coaching program begins on February 5th and is over the phone so you can participate from absolutely anywhere. Rock on! Have a great weekend! Atlanta

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